Assessments Auditing
The sheer volume of assessments that organizations can accumulate can be overwhelming. Over 30 years of experience in authoring, validating, and implementing assessments gives us a unique perspective regarding assessment utility.
An assessment audit evaluates the current cost and benefit of assessments used for purposes of selection, training, and employee experience. Returns on investment are calculated and the audited organization receives a comprehensive report regarding the relative cost and benefit of each individual assessment as well as the overall assessment strategy. Redundancies are identified and recommendations for future assessment strategies are offered.
This service is recommended for organizations with 2,500 or more employees.
Data visualization 🔭
One of our provided services entails the wrangling, analysis, and meaningful visualization of data.
Below we present two demonstrative visualizations extracted from larger projects to highlight interactive visualizations (where the user is provided some level of involvement with the graphic).
Example #1: ⛽
This project included the creation of an interactive map to locate petrol stations that provide ethanol-free gasoline within the 5-state region surrounding a local car club. This group does social “runs” periodically throughout the summer months and did not have a map-based resource to help them locate these specialized gas stations while on their far-from-home “runs”.
⚠️ ⚠️ ☠️ NEVER use this map while driving 🤬 ⚠️ ⚠️
Example #2: 🏈
This project was a simple comparison of points scored by different skilled football positions for the purposes of scoring system alteration within a fantasy football leage. The extracted visual primarily highlights data filtering capability (note the “qb”, “rb”, “wr” key in the upper right corner).