Process automation 🚀

We help organizations transition from legacy functions to more efficient (often automated) work processes. For processes that involve data management of some type, we build solutions via , because it is:

  • Powerful
  • Flexible
  • Cost-effective

We use the platform to scrape data from websites, automate reports, and consolidate data into centralized repositories. The transition framework that we apply is broadly applicable - your business processes are of course unique but can very likely be automated via application of our standard principles of efficiency. Repetitive Excel actions, for example, are common every day business applications that we can help you automate. This frees employees to focus their time on more important and less tedious tasks.

Process Automation Example #1

This project included the creation of an interactive map to locate petrol stations that provide ethanol-free gasoline within the 5-state region surrounding a local car club. This group does social “runs” periodically throughout the summer months and was relying on hand-created pamphlets that listed ethanol-free stations in alphabetical order (by city). This club did not have any tech-enabled resource to help them locate these specialized gas stations while on their far-from-home “runs”.

To automate this process, we scrape information from available online databases and then display the information in an interactive map, not only providing a more useful resource, but also minimizing data error attributable to human data entry/management (e.g., driving to a “bad address” while in an isolated region and also running out of gas). A replication of this resource is provided below.

⚠️ ⚠️ ☠️ NEVER use this map while driving 🤬 ⚠️ ⚠️

Process Automation Example #2

A local nonprofit organization had a financial reporting process that required the: 1) accessing of information from multiple accounts, 2) manual transfer of account transactions, and 3) report generation (including qualitative descriptions of finances).

The automation here “cut out” the second and third components of this process. Because this data is financial in nature, the organization still requires an appointed representative to access the information, but there is no human involvement beyond accessing the financial files. A partially redacted1 version of the new automated reporting document can be accessed here.

  1. the financial information available in the report is publicly available and represents only an example snapshot of financial records↩︎